Increasing Website Speed and Performance

Statistics show that even just a 1 second delay in how fast your website loads is enough to decrease the number of page views by 11% while also decreasing the amount of customer satisfaction by 16%. The same 1 second delay is also responsible for decreasing conversion by 7%. The faster your webpages load, the higher your customer satisfaction will be and the better chance you have of increasing your revenue; this was proved to be true when Amazon reported an increase of 1% in revenue for every 100 milliseconds of speed improvement they made to their website. Walmart also saw an increase in revenue, of 2%, for every second they improved their speed by. An Akamai study shows that if your website takes more than three seconds to load, you’re potentially losing 40% of viewers because they will abandon the site while 47% of people expect webpages to load within two seconds. Even if your website doesn’t sale a product or service, having a slow-loading page can cause you to lose readers.

Speeding up your website is critical for several reasons; keeping profits high, and enhancing customer satisfaction. If you run your own website or blog and struggle with it’s loading speed or performance, there are several solutions to increasing your server speed and enhancing your website’s performance.

Before you do anything to improve the speed of your site, it’s a good idea to run a website speed test first in order to get some preliminary data so you know where you’re starting from. That way, with any changes that you make you’ll know if you are actually making an improvement or not. One of the quickest ways of improving site speed is simplifying the website’s design; this can be done by streamlining the number of elements that are featured on your page, as well as using CSS in place of images whenever possible. When it comes to websites, leaner is always better. Another great way that works at improving site speed is to reduce server response time, which can be done by using a web monitoring solution which checks performance.

Another major factor that plays into how long it takes a website to load is its images. Oversized images takes a longer time to load so all images should be kept as small as possible and should never extend past the width of the website’s width; for example, if the website is 570px in width, the image should not be longer than that. Do not just set the image parameter to be width=570 if the image is larger because that will slow load times. You should crop and scale the image down to the actual size it needs to be.

In order to improve performance and speed times, you can also optimize CSS delivery, reduce the number of plug-ins that are used, prioritize abode-the-fold content, minimize HTTP requests, enable compression, enable browser caching, minimize resources, and reduce the amount of redirects which only increase the amount of loading time.